Fishermen's Spot is proud to be the SoCal source for Dan Blanton's Striperfest raffle tickets. Each year Dan hosts this great event to help raise funds to protect this awesome fishery and this year we are proud to be a part of it. Below are ticket prices and the very impressive list of prizes that are up for grabs this year. Stop by the shop and get your tickets and help us keep this great fishery great. Check out the very cool prizes listed below......
Raffle Ticket Sales – Dan Blanton Striperfest 2010
$20 - single ticket
$100 - 6 tickets
$200 - 15 tickets
$500 - 40 tickets
$1000 – 100 tickets
Striperfest Raffle Donations
1. Mike McKenzie - Used, prime condition, Abel Reel Super 10 – Mike McKenzie.
2. Captain Mike Costello - One day (weekend) guide trip on the delta with Captain Mike Costello – value $450 – must redeem within one year.
3. Mike Costello - Book – “Fly Fishing the California Delta” – donated by Mike Costello.
4. Dan Blanton - One day guided trip for one angler on the delta with Captain Dan Blanton – must redeem within one year – value $550. 4 ea. Rigged `N Ready rod bags. Book, Fly Fishing California’s Great Waters – hard bound.
5. Habervision – 2 pair glasses.
6. Corey Cate – wine, wine, wine.
7. Steve Potter – box of his famous flies.
8. Captain Jerry Neuburger - One day Delta guided trip, Trip by DeltaStripers, all day, for two, lunch and refreshments included. Novices welcome. Value $350 -
Captain Jerry Neuburger.
9. Ron Dong - Ron Dong Crease flies - by Ron Dong.
10. Captain Bill Hutchinson - Half-day guided trip on the delta in November with Captain Bill Hutchinson.
11. Jonny King - Flies by Jonny King.
12. California Fly Shop - Five $100 gift cards that can be individually raffled.
13. Henry Cowan - One dozen striper flies tied by Henry Cowan.
15. Brad Bohen - Musky Country Outfitters in for a full day musky on the fly float for this event. Good for June 1st 2011 through September 1 - 2011 – Brad Bohen.
16. Leo Gutterres - Box of poppers – Leo Gutterres.
Additions as of 8/28/2010
17. Bill Kiene - Sage LMB outfit – rod, reel, line and case – Bill Kiene – Kiene’s Fly Shop.
18. Noel de Guzman - dozen striper flies – Noel de Guzman.
19 Charlie Gonzales - One day guided trip with Charlie Gonzales on the American River.
20. Goodies from John Sherman and Simms: Dry Creek Boat Bag – medium; Dry Creek Boat Bag – large; Dry Creek Duffle – medium.
21. From artist/author Bill Bishop: 1 snook print remarked, 1 redfish print remarked, 1 trout print remarked, 1 bonefish prink remarked, 1 permit print remarked and 1 tarpon print remarked. Also include are six signed artist proof stripers and six signed artist proof speckled perch, one of Bill’s favorites. Total of 18 prints and a remarked copy of Bill’s tarpon book, “High Rollers”.
22. Steve Cali - Box of striper flies.
23. Orvis – Tom Rosenbauer - great new rod called the Access. Almost as light as the Helios, similar flex pattern, and retails for only $375 in the 909 version.
24. The Fishient Group - A hamper full of fly tying materials and flies.
25. Tomas R. Pero – Publisher Wild River Press - Signed copies of: A Passion for Steelhead; A Passion for Tarpon; Fly Fishing for Striped Bass (limited edition worth $250); Plus one each of all four tarpon posters from the new book.
26. Ken Hanley – 2 ea. Mexico Blue Ribbon Fly Fishing Guidebooks
2 ea. “Saltwater Salmon on the Fly” DVD's.
27. Dennis Papike – Cal-West Custom Rods – Special Striperfest rod (last year’s was a beauty! Dan).
27. Stan Pleskunas – one of his LMDs (line management devices)
28. Brandon White – Lateral Line – XL Crisfield Shirt and XL Miles T-shirt. 50 ea. Lateral Line hats will be given to the first 50 who register at the event with Matt Havelock and the Smith mob – they hats normally sell for $20 each.
Additions as of 8/29/10
29. Captain Steve Santucci – one day guided trip for two on the Delta.
30. Keith Kaneko – Angling on the Fly Travel Service - 10% discount (coupon) on one travel package offered by Angling On The Fly (must redeem within one year) --- OR --- One day guide trip by Keith Kaneko on the Lower Yuba River (value: $395 / must redeem within one year)
31. Doug Jeffries – a dozen poppers – 6 balsa and 6 foam in hand-made aromatic cedar boxes.
Additions as of 8/30/10
32. Mark Rockwell – two day guided trip on Fall River 2011 – hopefully to include lodging and breakfast.
33. Albright – Michael Kahn – Albright XXT 10 rod.
34. TFO – (new series) BVK 8-wt., with TFO 340 large arbor reel.
35. Rio – Rio Outbound Short Fly lines in both sinking and floating.
36. Sage – Xi3 rod and reel outfit.
36. Hardy North American/Hardy-Greys – Zane 4 pc. 9-wt. & Zane 2 fly reel – Jim Murphy.
37. Duplicate donation removed.
38. Solitude Reels – Solitude SR5.
Additions as of 8/31/10
39. Fishermen’s Spot – Ken & Steve - Redington Redfly Outfit. It includes a 9' 8 wt 4 piece Redfly rod, SV Reel and a WF 8 F line and backing and a Rod/Reel Case. This lists for $300.
40. Sea Level FlyFishing – Ray Hutcherson – fly rod - Sea Level Extreme Inshore 7' 11" 4pc 7 WT – value $250.
41. JC Poulton – Case of Redhawk red wine – hmmm…
42. Fly Shop – Mike Michalak - two nights at Antelope Creek Lodge for two anglers for the 2011 season. Dates to be arranged, value = $295 X 4 = $1,180.
43. Abel Reel –Super 9 reel with a solid frame in the striper finish - Retail value of $1025.00. .
44. Ben Byng – Balsa-wood poppers and other cool flies guaranteed to catch fish.
45. Dave Inks – 36 Flashtail striper flies.
46. Targus – Complete set of Targus jig hooks and various fly tying materials.
47. Carl Blackledge – half dozen Tube, Ron Dong Crease flies.
48. Jay Murakoshi - 1 dozen deer hair poppers - combined hair bugs (Dahlberg's, flat face deer hair poppers)
1 dozen sea habits for Baja/stripers
1 dozen Clouser, varied colors.
49. George Smith (AKA GES) – New TFO 8-10; 300-400 grain Mini-Mag rod.
50. Boga Grip – Gary Alldredge of Boga Grip.
51. Scientific Anglers – 4 ea. Gift certificates for fly line of choice. Jeff Weiringa.
52. Bobby Barrack – one day guided trip on the delta for one.
53. John Quigley - 10 - 2 packs of my Quigley Twisted Leaders.
54. Excellent Adventures – Al Smatsky – two, one-day passes to Kelsey Bass Ranch – value $200
55. Vladan Milenkovic - dozen of striper flies-some floating/suspended baitfish, and also some imitations tied on jig hooks.
56. Outdoor Specialty Products – Jamie Lyle - Sage Typhoon Boat Bag; Redington CDL 7/8 Reel; 1 pair Smith Gallegos Glasses; 1 Rio Outbound Short line.
57. Al Quattrocchi – Qbonefish/permit flies.
58. Joe Kohn - Abel QC 7/8 Green finish.
59. Orland Outfitters, Wayne Syn - One spot on the two-day Kay Mitsuyoshi Memorial Shad Fishout - May 20 - 21, 2011.
60. Dr. Slick - A pair of Pisces Pliers - $40 retail value
61. MAKO – Jack Charlton – a MAKO reel to be announced soon.
62. Nautilus – Kristen Mustad - Nautilus NV 89 - Custom grey ghost anodized - MSRP $700.
63. Fly Fishing Specialties Fly Shop - Sacramento – 5 $20 gift certificates – Bernie Halterbeck.
64. Umpqua Feather Merchants - 3 large boxes loaded to the gills with
Delta-selected striper flies.
65. Scott Rod Company – Jim Bartschi - Scott A3909/4, 9ft 9 line 4 pc.
66. No Nonsense Fly Fishing Guides – Howard Fisher, publisher – Four of Mike Costello’s book “Fly Fishing the California Delta”.
67. Icon Products – John Ryzanych – Braided Loop Leader Kits.
68. Bass the Movie DVD: Donated by Howard Films and John Sherman.
69. Limited Edition Fly Fishing the Ca Delta Book: Donated by John Sherman