I'm not sure about this whole blogging thing but, friends and clients have suggested I have one so, here goes.
I am part owner of Fishermen's Spot, a fly fishing specialty store in Van Nuys, CA. The store was started by my partner Steve Ellis along with his Dad and brother back in 1970 as a general fishing tackle store. We service the entire Southern California area but, because we are near LA we get visitors from all corners of the planet (and maybe some from off the planet). I'm not sure what I will write about except that it will usually be fly fishing related. I love to tie flies so some of the posts will be related to flies that I am tying either for fun or for an upcoming trip. I will also have periodic trip logs from some of the fishing trips I am lucky enough to go on.
Right now I'm tying for an upcoming trip to Loreto, Baja so my tying desk is littered with bucktails, super hair, and a dazzling array of flashy stuff. I'll try to get some pics of what I am working on soon and post them.
Steve and I went to Hot Creek ranch with our buddy, Rob Rubin and I had the unique experience of watching a large brown trout kill and eat a 14" rainbow. I shot some very marginal quality video with my Olympus still camera and posted it on Youtube and was stunned at how many people have viewed it (1300 up to this point). I'll try and load it here too. Wow! It worked. Kinda small though. You can go to my website to see it in a larger format.
So I guess this is enough to get the blog started. I have lot's more to say and I have been working on videos of my recent trip to Chile to edit them for the web. Still learning!
Welcome to the "blogosphere". It's not as good as casting to a rising fish but it can be useful. :)