Years ago I'd drag small flies around a local pond at the end of my spinning rod. This was before I could afford fly gear (I still can't afford fly gear ha ha ha). This was in the sacred city known as "Creek of the Walnuts" to the north of here in the shadow of Mount Diablo. It was in this scum-filled pond that I learned to flycast. Overlooking it, at its recreation center, the Diablo Valley Fly Fishers would meet. I could walk to the meetings! I was in the area over the weekend and decided to drag a small fly as dusk set in (A Chiaki mini-bugger). Within seconds I caught a small crappie that was 100% cookie cutter what I used to catch as a kid. It was a very strange moment. It truly was identical to the fish I caught hundreds of decades, no centuries ago! HG Wells chuckled from on high.

* Sorry about the blurry shots. It was well into dusk and I was shaking with excitement.*
Glad to see you got out. Any trout on the way home??????